Wednesday 4 June 2014

Da furst fürs of summer...

Ello for yoo my pals….I ope yoo is all gearing up wiv yore #FlatMarley advenshures….to encourij yoo along da way I is postin some pawsome zamples of da tipe of fing we is lookin for from yoo…

….haz been to da Nevverlands for vizzit wiv @levimylocooper…nachuralee i iz da hot seet…...

….and droppin in on @piper_winnie in Cannerder….fank dogness it be summer now and not da icy winter wot them Canucks haz….

…..closer to ome snoopervizin da notices fur @scruffybuffybt alongside I pal @MrSebBT….
….keeps da photos comin my pals…..

Marlee, Furst Class Traveller...

1 comment:

  1. Oh Marley, those pictures are great. M is ohhhing and awwwwing over all those cute little border terrier doggies. She just thinks that breed is the cutest ever.
