Monday 1 July 2013

A little local fun....

This week #flatmarley has been out and about with some members of the Border Terrier Posse....first up he went for a short break with Mr Cumbria...

..chekkin I is comfy in da car mobile....

...fink I prefer to drive akshully Malc my pal....

...I dunno if he like I drivin style....

...I perk him up wiv da noms.... nice bein at da stream an all....but if I gets I fur wet I shall be avin werds...

...spayshuss commydayshun....
.....I open dis beech in da name of terriers....

....i ope he do not be contemplatin swimmin.....

....I fink there do be azards on dis bridge for ones as thin and elffy such as I.....

.....we do be kings of all we do survey....

....might tek a nap after all dat walkin tho..... for a terrier.....
...and of course when you are in hill country you never know who you will bump into.....and in Cumbria its almost certain to be Miss bella and Miss Lynn from @krguidedwalks....

.....phew....sootablee dry in da map nivver kno wot the wevver be doin up ere....

..Sherpa Marlee at yore serviss.....

....needin ead for time for noms yet?

....hurray! An energetic week for #flatmarley.....keep your pictures coming my friends....we have now raised £160 for Dogs Trust and we have pledged £80 to Terrier Rescue to match your generosity...where next for #flatmarley..!!

Clapton, FlatMarley HQ

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