Sunday 16 September 2012

Takin da message to da masses....

Ello for you my pals...there haz been a last minnit rush of da #flatmarley sightins around the werld as we haz announced that we is closin down the blog at the end of the munff so we can do some cleanin an maintenance for next many pishures in fact that we haz to split em up into several bloggy entries...

....i haz discussed my approach wiv super-terrier adviser Winston....@winstonwoofs

...haz to make sure we got all da impawtant issues covered....oh...ahem...

....pleez check da inbox Big Win in case we haz any suggestions by peemail.... no use my pal, we haz to get off to our super-secret HQ to discuss wiv da full advisory board...

.....pleez take a memo Miss Money-penny..... an Winston ave come to the conclusion that we will bring the message to da public one more time in the ope we can raise one last wheelbarrow of munne for Dogs Trust and Terrier Rescue..... know where we is yet?.....

....we has gone to see super TV-Terrier who be @ozzietheborder.....and his pals at Meridian TV......

.....News Terrier presents all da news that's fit to repawt in the South and South East....

....and they haz elped by providin advices for nervuss terriers who is not used to appearin in the meejah....

....must remember lines, must remember lines....
....but Ozzie do be a pawfect profeshunull and elp me fru it paw by paw....

....and now for a pawsonal interest story from Surrey.....

....ello for you Ozzie and fanks for avin me on da show....*waves to camera, grinz*....

.....and you haz raised OW MUCH for charity?......

.....all under control in da produckshun suite......
....and it seem that even pals on oliday in Tscanny was able to see our interview via sattylite.....

Miss Chantal Watling catches up via iPlayer....
....fanks so much for all your ard werk this year my pals. We had anuvver nice letter from Dogs Trust this week fankin us for the munnee wot we raised be over £600 for DT and da same for Terrier all for doggies....woof. Toon in next week for da final updates of the year...features trips to da Smokey Mountins and a Meddyterannean croose!!


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